Bringing Home a New Puppy: Sleeping patterns in their early life

Bringing home a brand-new puppy is an exciting and heartwarming experience. As responsible pet owners, it's essential to understand and accommodate their sleeping habits as they transition into their new environment. Puppies, like human babies, require plenty of rest to grow, learn, and recharge. In this blog post, we will explore the typical sleeping patterns of puppies when they first arrive in their forever homes, offering insights on what to expect and how to ensure their peaceful slumber.

1. The Comfort of Familiarity:

It's important to remember that puppies are leaving their mom and littermates behind, stepping into a new, unfamiliar place. This change can be overwhelming for them, making them seek comfort and reassurance through sleep. Expect your furry bundle of joy to snooze more often during the initial days.

2. Frequent Napping:

Puppies, particularly younger ones, need an abundance of sleep to support their rapid growth and development. On average, they require between 18 to 20 hours of sleep per day. Don't be alarmed if you notice your puppy taking short naps interspersed throughout the day.

3. Quality Sleep Space:

Make sure to create a cozy, designated sleep space for your puppy, such as a crate or a warm, comfortable bed. This will offer them a sense of security and encourage good sleeping habits from an early age. Placing a soft blanket or a ticking clock nearby can mimic the warmth and comforting sounds they experienced with their littermates.

4. Midnight Breaks:

Just like human babies, puppies may awaken during the night when they need to relieve themselves. It's a crucial part of their potty training process. Be prepared to take a few night-time trips outside, giving them an opportunity to do their business. Gradually, as they grow older, they'll be able to sleep through the night without disturbance.

5. Separation Anxiety:

Some puppies may experience separation anxiety when they first come home. This can have an impact on their sleep patterns, making it challenging for them to settle down without their familiar surroundings. To ease their anxiety, establish a consistent routine and show them plenty of affection, particularly during the initial adjustment period.

6. Sleep Disruptions:

New environments and unfamiliar sounds may occasionally disrupt your puppy's sleep. They might suddenly wake up, startled or curious about their surroundings. Comfort them gently and offer reassurance until they feel secure enough to drift back to sleep.

7. Gradual Development:

As puppies grow, their sleep patterns will gradually adjust. While they'll still need substantial napping time, they'll also become more playful and active. Establishing a consistent routine that balances physical exercise, mental stimulation, and designated quiet times for rest will contribute to their overall well-being.


Understanding puppies' sleeping habits when they first arrive in their new homes is crucial to ensuring their comfort, growth, and emotional well-being. Expect plenty of frequent napping, the occasional midnight toilet breaks, and potential separation anxiety-related disruptions. With time, patience, and the right environment and routine, your new puppy will adapt, gain independence, and become well-rested in their loving forever home.


Bringing Home a New Puppy: The importance of bonding and socialisation in the early days.